Turn Ankalytik/SkySparks points into BACnet points with couple clicks

BACnet Server app is used to configure bacnet server and also how to expose skyspark points as bacnet objects.


BACnet Server

Go to BACNet Server tab in Settings app and fill host, port and device id then click save & restart skyspark, bacnet server will run on this host & port.

Add BACnetServerObjInstance tag and select its type as String.

Set value of new tag as AO-1 as kind of this point is Number we have to expose this point as AnalogOutput, so in value AO is AnalogOutput and 1 is unique value.

Now select the point that we have created under new equip and select the analog BACnet connector that is AO-1 and bind both of them.

Now go to connector app and select BACnet and click on points, here you will see the curVal of the connected points, these val are coming from BACnet server.

We can add multiple types of data like number, binary or multistate.