Parse and query Microsoft Access database within Ankalytik/SkySpark.

Simplify your extract transform and load operations on legacy building automation systems such as Alerton, Delta Controls.


Access Database

Access Database is also known as MS database app can be used to get records from MSDatabase with the help of query.

Key Features

  • List of database

  • List of tables

  • Table records

  • Or Query

  • And Query

Enable the bassgFantomMSAccess Pod file.

Now launch Tools application.

List Of Database

Query to list the MS Database in your SkySpark for that write query as shown “listDB(`io/`)” and press enter it will list the database.

Here we can see that the database is listed and there are two databases in my Skyspark folder.

List Of Tables

Now we will see how many tables are present in my particular database for that execute the query as shown it will list all tables present in the database.

Here we can see that there is one table present in my database with the name “tblEmployee”.

Read Table Records

To read the table data for that execute the query as shown and press enter.

All records have been displayed which are present in the table “tblEmployee”.

Applying Filter On Query

Now we will add some filters in the query to find particular data from the list for that execute the query as shown.

Here we can see that we get the record as per our query. I have apply the FirstName filter to get particular data from records.

1) Or Query

The OR condition between two Fields for that execute the query as shown.

We get two records as per the condition which we have applied in query.

2) And Query

The AND condition between two Fields for that execute the query as shown.