The World is changing and its time to change with it. if you are looking to Make Money without the hustle of setting up business or worrying about any other part of the process then this is the right opportunity for you as Automation Industry is growing and AI is the Future. Grow with us at the comfort of your home or relaxing at the beach.
Just act for the Universe and Earn your place within Sandstar Foundation and get discounts.

100 Unique “THE RISING OF ANKA NFTs” will be attached to creation of Project Sandstar Foundation.

Yes! you heard it right. Ankalabs is creating Sandstar foundation and creating membership so we can create source available foundation that benefits everyone.


Each Unique Anka NFTs will be fractioned into 100 copies of Nfts

There will be a set of 100 Unique Anka Nfts. We will form Sandstar Foundation and create source available licensing of our technology. Buy 1 NFT at a rate of 0.1 ETH until Dec 31 2023 and automatically become a member of Project Sandstar Foundation. Corporates can become a member at rate of 10 NFTs for 1 ETH. This will double starting Jan 1st 2024.

Cost of Nfts NFTs Donation membership
0.1 eth until Dec 31 2023 1 NFT Entry Level Personal Membership of future Sandstar Foundation
0.2 starting from Jan 1 2024 1 NFT Entry Level Personal Membership of future Sandstar Foundation
1 eth until Dec 31 2023 10 NFTs Entry Level Corporate Membership of future Sandstar Foundation
2 starting from Jan 1 2024 10 NFTs Entry Level Corporate Membership of future Sandstar Foundation
Cost of Nfts NFTs Donation founding membership
1 eth until Dec 31 2023 10 NFT Founding Level Personal Membership of future Sandstar Foundation
1.5 eth starting from Jan 1 2024 10 NFT Founding Level Personal Membership of future Sandstar Foundation
10 eth until Dec 31 2023 100 NFTs Founding Level Corporate Membership of future Sandstar Foundation
15 eth starting from Jan 1 2024 150 NFTs Founding Level Corporate Membership of future Sandstar Foundation

***Founding members and corporate members gets source available access to all code

***SkySpark points needs to be purchased from Anka Labs as a part of the source available license.

ANKA NFT’s will be sold at a cost of 0.1 Ethereum each until Jan 31 2023 then 0.2 eth.

The ANKA Avatars are a collection of
100 Exclusive ANKA NFTs of which each Unique NFTs will be fractioned to 100 copies i.e a total to 10000nfts, costing 0.1 eth until Jan 31 2023 each, will be generated on the Ethereum Blockchain. These tokens will be used to incentivize and reward users for their participation in the platform.

Yes! you heard it right. Ankalabs is offering membership of Sandstar Foundation. That means upon purchase of 0.1 NFT, each one of you will be life time member of the Sandstar Foundation.

ANKA NFT’s will be sold at a cost of 0.1 Ethereum each until Jan 31 2023 and will double after.

The buyer can become a member of Sandstar Foundation at a cost of 0.1 Ethereum. Corporates can become a member of Sandstar foundation at 1 eth.

The ANKA NFTs are Fractional Nonfungible Tokens (F-NFTs).

A F-NFT, also referred to as a fractionalized NFT, is an NFT that has been broken down into fractions to be sold individually. This means that an F-NFT can be traded or sold on the open market in fractions rather than as a whole. This is possible because you are part of the F-NFT, rather than owning it. These fractions can then be exchanged and traded on the blockchain just like any other cryptocurrency.

Fractionalized NFTs are an innovative way to reduce volatility in the market while still allowing for liquidity. The reason behind this is to allow more people to own an asset that they would never be able to afford otherwise.

We will Open Source Codes of Smart Building components.

We are not a new company in the industry. We have been providing technologies for smart buildings for over 5 years and we have a lot of experience with the challenges that this market faces.

We will plug in to existing NFT communities to provide Modern Open Source Technology to change Smart Buildings space once all of our NFts gets sold.

This will allow new developers to access all the great work that has been done in this space, and give them the opportunity to contribute their own innovation back into the community.

For each 10,000 Ankalytik Points sold, A new NFT will be released.

Buying Ankalytik Points are a new way to earn limited edition NFTs. Each time 10,000 Ankalytik Points are sold, a new limited edition NFT will be released.

This is the first time we are doing this so it’s going to be exciting and new!


A lot of surprises will be announced along with the pre and post-roadmap launch of the Nfts. These surprises range from airdrops to alliances, to massive project developments, to winning lots and lots of rewards. So stay tuned!

In order to have access to the surprising rewards, all you need to do is own The Rising of Anka Nfts if you don’t already own one. Click HERE to get your own The Rising of Anka Nfts.

Start Minting As Soon As Possible and Start your journey right away.